When I use the frontapge search component I put on my web, I get this
message "No documents found. Please try again." I had lots of problems with
the frontpage extentions. I had to uninstall them, then ftp to the site and
erase all data (other than the stats folder per the host) reinstall the
extensions and publish the web. By doing this I got the email forms to work
and stopped the errors message of "Error from search: can't open the word
hash fil
/var/chroot/home/content/k/w/a/kwagnerdiver/html/_vti_txt/default.wti/All.dct ".
I looked through the forum and found these instructions which I sent to the
hosting company Go Daddy:
I found out that the possible reason I am not getting any documents found on
the search engine is Go Daddy's fault.
"I was informed that you need to:
Make sure that you enable & to create the index catalog.
Make sure under IIS MMC that the site is set to be indexed and to than
delete and re-create the catalog.
Getting the message No documents found. Please try again.
Means a problem with the index catalog."
The response from Go Daddy is listed below. Sorry they can't do anything.
Is there any suggestions on how I can fix this issue, since my hosting
company can't or won't
http://www.krwsoftware.com the search is on the index page 3/4 way down the
Thank you for the help.
Ken Wagner
Copy of email from at to Go Daddy about this issue.
Our support staff has responded to your request, details of which are
described below:
Discussion Notes
Support Staff Response
Dear Ken Wagner,
Thank you for contacting Customer Support.
I have investigated this incident with out Advanced Hosting department.
Unfortunately we are unable to provide further support for this issue.
Currently your site resolves with out issue and the FrontPage extensions are
installed correctly. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Please let us know if we can help you in any other way.
Kenneth P.
Online Support
Customer Inquiry
I found out that the possible reason I am not getting any documents
found on the search engine is Go Daddy's fault.
I was informed that you need to:
Make sure that you enable & to create the index catalog.
Make sure under IIS MMC that the site is set to be indexed and to than
delete and re-create the catalog.
Getting the message* No documents found. Please try again.*
Means a problem with the index catalog.
Please fix
Thank you,
Ken Wagner
If you need further assistance with this matter, please reply to this email
or contact customer service at (480) 505-8877 and reference [Incident ID:
When I use the frontapge search component I put on my web, I get this
message "No documents found. Please try again." I had lots of problems with
the frontpage extentions. I had to uninstall them, then ftp to the site and
erase all data (other than the stats folder per the host) reinstall the
extensions and publish the web. By doing this I got the email forms to work
and stopped the errors message of "Error from search: can't open the word
hash fil
/var/chroot/home/content/k/w/a/kwagnerdiver/html/_vti_txt/default.wti/All.dct ".
I looked through the forum and found these instructions which I sent to the
hosting company Go Daddy:
I found out that the possible reason I am not getting any documents found on
the search engine is Go Daddy's fault.
"I was informed that you need to:
Make sure that you enable & to create the index catalog.
Make sure under IIS MMC that the site is set to be indexed and to than
delete and re-create the catalog.
Getting the message No documents found. Please try again.
Means a problem with the index catalog."
The response from Go Daddy is listed below. Sorry they can't do anything.
Is there any suggestions on how I can fix this issue, since my hosting
company can't or won't
http://www.krwsoftware.com the search is on the index page 3/4 way down the
Thank you for the help.
Ken Wagner
Copy of email from at to Go Daddy about this issue.
Our support staff has responded to your request, details of which are
described below:
Discussion Notes
Support Staff Response
Dear Ken Wagner,
Thank you for contacting Customer Support.
I have investigated this incident with out Advanced Hosting department.
Unfortunately we are unable to provide further support for this issue.
Currently your site resolves with out issue and the FrontPage extensions are
installed correctly. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Please let us know if we can help you in any other way.
Kenneth P.
Online Support
Customer Inquiry
I found out that the possible reason I am not getting any documents
found on the search engine is Go Daddy's fault.
I was informed that you need to:
Make sure that you enable & to create the index catalog.
Make sure under IIS MMC that the site is set to be indexed and to than
delete and re-create the catalog.
Getting the message* No documents found. Please try again.*
Means a problem with the index catalog.
Please fix
Thank you,
Ken Wagner
If you need further assistance with this matter, please reply to this email
or contact customer service at (480) 505-8877 and reference [Incident ID: