Baz said:
I see it counting up again in control panel \ indexing options....
Well, maybe, you're not letting the indexing go to completion because
something started rebuilding the index.
When I let the Windows Update update Windows Search with the new 4.0, the
indexed had to be rebuilt. I couldn't get the new search to work as it kept
saying *failed* to initialize. So, I had to Restore back to a point to
remove the update and go back to the old search. I did this a couple of
times of trying the new and going back to the old, and the index was being
rebuilt each time I did it, which I noticed the indexing activity when I
booted the machine.
The last time I did the restore back to the old one and rebooted, I just let
the indexing go until it said that it completed. So may be you're booting in
the middle of it re-indexing and it's starting over. It does take a long
time to re-index, like hours, and you're not giving it the time it needs to
complete its task.