Sounds perfectly normal to me. The Notes fields are not indexed reliably
with Instant Search. That's why you won't see that field in an expanded
query. You need to revert to Outlook's previous Search engine to search
Notes fields. You should think of Instant Search as being in beta. Most
of us do. Microsoft won't get it right for a couple more versions.
Russ Valentine
Russ, I'll give you more information. I reindexed my computer several
times using the link I gave you. I also saw that Outlook was being
indexed - I would do a Search and I would see that drop down yellow bar
telling me I might not see all the results because x number of items
were being indexed.
Well, after I stopped seeing that message I naturally assumed Outlook
was finished with indexing itself.
I _still_ can receive 'hits' when Searching older Contact items
(searching for info in the Notes field of an Contact) but newer Contact
don't show in the results.
At this point I don't know how to proceed. Any suggestions? Thanks,
Expand your query. Do you see the Notes field? I doubt it.
Use Advanced Find.
Russ Valentine
Russ, I had this probelm before and did a google search. I came
across the following link ...,289483,sid43_gci1256528,00.html
(which I had visited before when I had the same problem).
I followed _those_ instructions, waited until Outlook had completely
indexed everything and I _still_ can not have the Contact in question
show up in a Contact Search using a word which was entered in that
Contact Note's field.
Suggestions? Thanks, DH
State which search method you are using. State why you believe this
new Contact would have been indexed by the time you were searching
for it.
Russ Valentine
Hi, I just entered a new Contact in Outlook 2007 and gave it a
'tag' word in its own Notes field.
If I Search using that tag, I get nothing _except_ coincidentally
for another Contact that happens to have that word embedded in its
last name.
I thought Search (from within Contacts) would also look through the
infomation in Contact - Notes. Am I mistaken?
Thanks, DH