[Why doesn't Search work?
Yellow Triangle with Exclamation Point
Option 1. Depending on your version of TweakUI, run it, go to the Desktop settings and put
the check mark back in Search Results.
Option 2. If you don't have TweakUI installed, or this option isn't available in your
version, copy and paste the following lines into a Notepad file and save the file with an
REG extension. Make sure to add a blank line at the end of the file.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Search Results Folder"
Locate the file you just saved and double click it. Answer yes to the import prompt.
Option 3: Apply this edit:
Search Shows Yellow Triangle with ! (Line 75)
To use the VBS File: Download .vbs file and save it to your hard drive (you may want to
right click and use Save Target As). Double-click the vbs file. You will be prompted when
the script is done.
All other information, customizing and tweaks for Search can be found here:
Troubleshooting Search Issues in Windows XP