Search inside PDF and CHM files

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Ya Ya

I have a folder with a lot of PDF and CHM files.
I would like to develope an application that enables the user to
search inside the content of those files.
How do I search inside those type of files ?

Thanks for your time

(e-mail address removed)
Adobe provides an addition to Indexing Services in the form of a dll that
will enable Indexing services to search PDF files. That would enable you to
use Indexing Services to search those files easily. CHM are a whole other
matter though and I'm not sure what the best way to search them is.

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
For .CHM files, there are several files that describe the file format. It is
technically undocumented, so using this information is obviously at your own

As for PDF files, Adobe documents the format. I'm not exactly sure where it
is, but it's out there. You can also take a look at the open source project
XPDF. It is a PDF viewer for X Windows in Unix and you should be able to
learn quite a bit from it.

Both of these formats are fairly complex, so there's no simple way to get at
what you want going this route.

Pete Davis