My DataGrid is bound to DataSet which contains relationship between two
tables as follows:
SqlHelper.FillDataset(strConn, CommandType.StoredProcedure,
"spSelectClientApplicant", ds, New String() {"Client", "Applicant"})
ds.Relations.Add("Applicants", ds.Tables("Client").Columns("Client_ID"),
grdDetails.DataSource = ds.Tables("Client").DefaultView
My form provides three search criteria Client ID, Applicant First Name,
Applicant Last Name. Now my problem is how can I implement search capability
for the DataGrid. I want my search to look for records for the provided
Client ID or do a wildcard character search for provided Applicant First
Name, Last Name.
tables as follows:
SqlHelper.FillDataset(strConn, CommandType.StoredProcedure,
"spSelectClientApplicant", ds, New String() {"Client", "Applicant"})
ds.Relations.Add("Applicants", ds.Tables("Client").Columns("Client_ID"),
grdDetails.DataSource = ds.Tables("Client").DefaultView
My form provides three search criteria Client ID, Applicant First Name,
Applicant Last Name. Now my problem is how can I implement search capability
for the DataGrid. I want my search to look for records for the provided
Client ID or do a wildcard character search for provided Applicant First
Name, Last Name.