search help

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pat
  • Start date Start date


i've made a database of 700 odd clients, and the form contains a subform
with all the appointments dates and amts paid in it. so far so good. is it
possible to create something within the form which will allow the user to
search for a specific name rather than clicking thru 700 records? i know she
cld do a quick search from the toolbar, but i don't want her to go near the
toolbar if poss.! i can't see anyway to make the form go full screen, is
this poss?
Thanx, cheers Pat
i've made a database of 700 odd clients, and the form contains a subform
with all the appointments dates and amts paid in it. so far so good. is it
possible to create something within the form which will allow the user to
search for a specific name rather than clicking thru 700 records?

Sure. I'd suggest opening the Form in design view; be sure the wizard
magic-wand icon on the toolbox is selected; and create a new Combo
Box. Use the option "use this combo to find a record on the form" and
follow the instructions.

If that wizard isn't available (he takes long lunches sometimes, you
just can't hire good help these days!) post back, it's not hard to do
from scratch.
i know she
cld do a quick search from the toolbar, but i don't want her to go near the
toolbar if poss.! i can't see anyway to make the form go full screen, is
this poss?

In the Form's Open event put code:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel as Integer)
End Sub