Search Form

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Not even sure this is possible.

I have a table DenialReasons that has 1 field listing reasons. Then I
have the main talble of Denials with multiple fields 3 of which are
DenialReason1, DenialReason2, DenialReason3 that pull off reasons from
the DenialReason Table. So anyone person could have 1 denial reason or
more than 1, but never the same reason more than once.

I want to create a search form that has a combo box listing denial
reasons from the DenialReason table that a user can select. It then
should search all 3 of the DenialReason1, 2, 3 for the reason and put
them up in the detail box I have. I have everthing working I just
can't figure out how to make it search all 3 fields for the reason that
the user selects.

Any suggestions would be helpful.
You should redesign your table structure to have a separate DenialReason
table which links back to the Denial table via the Denial ID.
Remove DenialReason1, DenialReason2, DenialReason3 from the Denial table.
This will normalize your tables and make things easier.
You can then populate the Reason combo box with a query on the DenialReason
table using a WHERE clause with NOT IN (SELECT Reason from DenialReason WHERE
DenialID = ID)

Thank you for the response. I did have it set up the way you describe,
but then I ran into a problem where I was unable to figure out how to
post more than one reason to a record.

I might have 1 person that has 3 different denials on 1 claim and then
has another claim with 2 denials. In designing the data entry form, I
couldn't figure out how to have multiple entries and only populating 1
field in the table.