I'm becoming a 'regular' on this board...
On my site at www.streetsmartinvesting.net I am wanting to put a search form
on the homepage; however, when I follow the instructions to set it up (and
after I publish), the result is that when you use the form and hit the Search
button, it automatically reloads the homepage but without the graphics
appearing - just placeholders. I am only wanting (at this point) to search
the site for relevany words - not a database (I still need to learn that). I
have Recalculated the Hyperlinks and I think that I'm crossing my eyes in the
right way for it to magically solve itself.
The URL that shows in this address bar when the search is perfomed is
Any ideas on what is happening?
On my site at www.streetsmartinvesting.net I am wanting to put a search form
on the homepage; however, when I follow the instructions to set it up (and
after I publish), the result is that when you use the form and hit the Search
button, it automatically reloads the homepage but without the graphics
appearing - just placeholders. I am only wanting (at this point) to search
the site for relevany words - not a database (I still need to learn that). I
have Recalculated the Hyperlinks and I think that I'm crossing my eyes in the
right way for it to magically solve itself.
The URL that shows in this address bar when the search is perfomed is
Any ideas on what is happening?