"Search" Form Help

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I have a simple question. How can I create a form in
Access97 to enable the user to search the dB by record,
then change/edit any record that already saved in tbl?
I created a form that shows all records in dB with all
fields. But it's difficult to scroll through thousands of
records to locate the desired one then edit it. I want
the user to type in (i.e. invoice #) and bring all fields
for that record. Any help is greatly appreciated.
This is dinitely inelegant and quick and dirty but if you
present the form in datasheet view all the menu bar
filtering and sorting options will be available to the
Thanks you Jeff. I will give it a try.
-----Original Message-----
MVP Albert Kallal has a very good article about building
a search form on his site. He even has some
screen shots which help you visualize the process.
Hopefully, it will help you create a good search
I checked the website, but it's only screenshots that are
posted. There's no code or explanation on how to create a
search form in Access97. Any help from anyone is highly