Search for string containing

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I have the following in VBA:

If .Cells(X, "K") = "RG" Then
.Cells(X, "Q").Value = "TRC"

How can I modify this formula to look in column K for a string that contains
RG and perform the same function? (i.e., if it contains RG-TRVL or TRVL-RG,
then TRC should automatically be placed in column Q)?

Thank you.

I have the following in VBA:

If .Cells(X, "K") = "RG" Then
.Cells(X, "Q").Value = "TRC"

How can I modify this formula to look in column K for a string that contains
RG and perform the same function? (i.e., if it contains RG-TRVL or TRVL-RG,
then TRC should automatically be placed in column Q)?

Thank you.

Use the InStr function. If it returns a non-zero, your substring is contained
in the string.
Take a look at Like or InStr in VBA's help

if ucase(.cells(x,"K").value) like "*RG*" then
if instr(1,.cells(x,"K").value,"RG",vbTextCompare) > 0 then

(InStr has a parm that you can specify to ignore case (if you want).)
The line

If InStr(.Cells(X, "K"), "RG") > 0 Then .Cells(X, "Q").Value = "TRC"

should do the trick
Here's part of code that I'd probably set up to do it:

Dim testRange as Range
Dim anyTestCell as Range

Set testRange = ActiveSheet.Range("K1:" & _
ActiveSheet.Range("K" & Rows.Count).End(xlup).Address)
For Each anyTestCell in testRange
If Instr(anyTestCell,"RG")>0 Then
Range("Q" & anyTestCell.Row) = "TRC"
End IF
Next ' end anyTestCell loop
.... more code
'good housekeeping:
Set testRange = Nothing
End Sub
For you exact statement, I think you could rewrite it this way:

If Instr(.Cells(X, "K"),"RG") > 0 Then
.Cells(X,"Q").Value = "TRC"
End If