rodchar menuliskan:
hey all,
what determines how high a website's ranking will appear after being
searched? what can i do to my website to give it a good chance of being
ranked pretty high?
Hi Rodchar.. from my expericen you can use this tips.
1. Design search engine friendly website
-it means you should put some text on your website, if there's only
image on your website. search engine will see it as a blank pages.
-all of you pages must be accesible from other pages, at least from 1
static link
-No error on your web pages.. check it first before you publish it.
most commong error are:
No Title
No Keywords, less keywords, or irrelevant key word.
No Description or less description.
note: you can use this tool on the net to
validate your html.
2. use web directory such as, or you can
search in the net.
3.use a good Keywords and description. Change it often. you can see
what user search on the net using this overture tools.
4.Make a good content. if you have a good content on your website..
automatically people will come to your website.
5. Avoid to many nested tables.
6.submit your sitemap to the search engines.