I personally don't really understand your query.
You state : "( when in Explorer right-click on a folder and select search )" as if
that's what you want to do!
When, in actual fact, that's what happens already - i.e. you can right-click on any
folder in Explorer and select "Find..." to bring up the Search Companion, searching
from that folder from which you selected it from.
So, therefore, what is it you are asking?
If you want (and who would?) to have "Search" as the default action in Explorer
instead of having to right-click and select it - all you need do is open "Folder
Options" > "File Types" and under "Folder" select "Find..." and press the "Set
Default" action button to make it by default.
This may have more ramifications than just opening "Search" by default in explorer,
though, it may cause ANY and ALL folders to be displayed in "Search-mode" when opened
from anywhere and by any application....
Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London.