Search and update data



I am trying (in vane) to get a basic db function. Search for a record and
allow the user to update it once it is found.
I do not want to use the basic Filter By Form feature as there are too many
records in the drop downs to make this practical.

The functionality I need is to have the end user be able to search for a
record using a keyword and have all records matching that keyword appear in
the form much like what happens when the Filter By Form feauture is used.

A query based on a form for the keyword returns the table view - not

Any help is appreciated.



Place an unbound textbox (txt_Filter) in the forms header and add a command
button (cmd_Filter) next to it. You might even want to add a second button
(cmd_Clear_Filter) next to that.

In the Click event of the command button enter the following code.

Private sub cmd_Filter_Click

Dim strFilter as string
strFilter = "[field1] Like '*" & me.txt_Filter & "*'"
'you can expand this to multiple fields if you'd like

me.Filter = strFilter
me.FilterOn = True

End Sub

Private sub cmd_Clear_Filter_Click()

me.FilterOn = False

End Sub


Marshall Barton

John said:
I am trying (in vane) to get a basic db function. Search for a record and
allow the user to update it once it is found.
I do not want to use the basic Filter By Form feature as there are too many
records in the drop downs to make this practical.

The functionality I need is to have the end user be able to search for a
record using a keyword and have all records matching that keyword appear in
the form much like what happens when the Filter By Form feauture is used.

A query based on a form for the keyword returns the table view - not

Presumable you have a form to display the data. If so, this
commonly done by using a text box in the form's header
section for users to enter a keyword. Then the text box's
AfterUpdate event can set the form's Filter something like:

Me.Filter="[field to search]=""" & Me.[the text box] & """"
Me.FilterOn = True


This worked perfectly (once i fixed my typo causing a 2448 runtime error)
Type carefully people.

Thanks Dale

Dale Fye said:

Place an unbound textbox (txt_Filter) in the forms header and add a command
button (cmd_Filter) next to it. You might even want to add a second button
(cmd_Clear_Filter) next to that.

In the Click event of the command button enter the following code.

Private sub cmd_Filter_Click

Dim strFilter as string
strFilter = "[field1] Like '*" & me.txt_Filter & "*'"
'you can expand this to multiple fields if you'd like

me.Filter = strFilter
me.FilterOn = True

End Sub

Private sub cmd_Clear_Filter_Click()

me.FilterOn = False

End Sub


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John said:
I am trying (in vane) to get a basic db function. Search for a record and
allow the user to update it once it is found.
I do not want to use the basic Filter By Form feature as there are too many
records in the drop downs to make this practical.

The functionality I need is to have the end user be able to search for a
record using a keyword and have all records matching that keyword appear in
the form much like what happens when the Filter By Form feauture is used.

A query based on a form for the keyword returns the table view - not

Any help is appreciated.


I thought I could do without but it is becomming apperant that I need to have
the search look across multiple fields as you suggested. What is the syntax
for expanding it to multiple fields? "OR" did not work and adding an
identical line (w/ field name changed) did not work (just looked in one


Dale Fye said:

Place an unbound textbox (txt_Filter) in the forms header and add a command
button (cmd_Filter) next to it. You might even want to add a second button
(cmd_Clear_Filter) next to that.

In the Click event of the command button enter the following code.

Private sub cmd_Filter_Click

Dim strFilter as string
strFilter = "[field1] Like '*" & me.txt_Filter & "*'"
'you can expand this to multiple fields if you'd like

me.Filter = strFilter
me.FilterOn = True

End Sub

Private sub cmd_Clear_Filter_Click()

me.FilterOn = False

End Sub


Email address is not valid.
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John said:
I am trying (in vane) to get a basic db function. Search for a record and
allow the user to update it once it is found.
I do not want to use the basic Filter By Form feature as there are too many
records in the drop downs to make this practical.

The functionality I need is to have the end user be able to search for a
record using a keyword and have all records matching that keyword appear in
the form much like what happens when the Filter By Form feauture is used.

A query based on a form for the keyword returns the table view - not

Any help is appreciated.

Dale Fye



strFilter = "[field1] Like '*" & me.txt_Filter & "*' OR "_
& "[Field2] Like '*" & me.txt_Filter & "*' OR " _
& "[Field3] Like '*" & me.txt_Filter & "*' "


John said:
I thought I could do without but it is becomming apperant that I need to
the search look across multiple fields as you suggested. What is the
for expanding it to multiple fields? "OR" did not work and adding an
identical line (w/ field name changed) did not work (just looked in one


Dale Fye said:

Place an unbound textbox (txt_Filter) in the forms header and add a
button (cmd_Filter) next to it. You might even want to add a second
(cmd_Clear_Filter) next to that.

In the Click event of the command button enter the following code.

Private sub cmd_Filter_Click

Dim strFilter as string
strFilter = "[field1] Like '*" & me.txt_Filter & "*'"
'you can expand this to multiple fields if you'd like

me.Filter = strFilter
me.FilterOn = True

End Sub

Private sub cmd_Clear_Filter_Click()

me.FilterOn = False

End Sub


Email address is not valid.
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John said:
I am trying (in vane) to get a basic db function. Search for a record
allow the user to update it once it is found.
I do not want to use the basic Filter By Form feature as there are too
records in the drop downs to make this practical.

The functionality I need is to have the end user be able to search for
record using a keyword and have all records matching that keyword
appear in
the form much like what happens when the Filter By Form feauture is

A query based on a form for the keyword returns the table view - not

Any help is appreciated.


It works - Thanks again Dale.

Dale Fye said:


strFilter = "[field1] Like '*" & me.txt_Filter & "*' OR "_
& "[Field2] Like '*" & me.txt_Filter & "*' OR " _
& "[Field3] Like '*" & me.txt_Filter & "*' "


John said:
I thought I could do without but it is becomming apperant that I need to
the search look across multiple fields as you suggested. What is the
for expanding it to multiple fields? "OR" did not work and adding an
identical line (w/ field name changed) did not work (just looked in one


Dale Fye said:

Place an unbound textbox (txt_Filter) in the forms header and add a
button (cmd_Filter) next to it. You might even want to add a second
(cmd_Clear_Filter) next to that.

In the Click event of the command button enter the following code.

Private sub cmd_Filter_Click

Dim strFilter as string
strFilter = "[field1] Like '*" & me.txt_Filter & "*'"
'you can expand this to multiple fields if you'd like

me.Filter = strFilter
me.FilterOn = True

End Sub

Private sub cmd_Clear_Filter_Click()

me.FilterOn = False

End Sub


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I am trying (in vane) to get a basic db function. Search for a record
allow the user to update it once it is found.
I do not want to use the basic Filter By Form feature as there are too
records in the drop downs to make this practical.

The functionality I need is to have the end user be able to search for
record using a keyword and have all records matching that keyword
appear in
the form much like what happens when the Filter By Form feauture is

A query based on a form for the keyword returns the table view - not

Any help is appreciated.

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