search all Access objects for a particular field


Susan H

I want to know which Access objects (queries, forms, reports, tables) use or
contain a particular field. Is there a report or analyzer I can run?

Thanks for your time.

John W. Vinson

On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 12:22:02 -0700, Susan H <Susan
I want to know which Access objects (queries, forms, reports, tables) use or
contain a particular field. Is there a report or analyzer I can run?

Thanks for your time.

Find and Replace:
Speed Ferret:
Total Access Analyzer:

It depends on your version - I don't think Speed Ferret has been updated to
2003 or 2007, which is a pity because I really like the program. I'm told that
the Rickworld Find and Replace is also very good. Total Access Analyzer does
this as one small facet of a much more comprehensive (and expensive) program.

Paul Shapiro

If you use SourceSafe for source code control with Access, you can search
the SourceSafe project. All references except tables will be found since all
objects except tables are stored as text in SourceSafe.

You can mimic SourceSafe's conversion of objects to text using the
undocumented function Application.SaveAsText(objectName). That might not be
the correct syntax, but you can find it by web search. You could write a
loop to process all db objects and output them as text files. Then search
the folder containing the text files for the desired string.

As John suggested, FMS makes Total Access Analyzer which includes
comprehensive cross-reference documentation, but it's not free.

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