Search a sheet for a word

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rose Tamang 2001
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Rose Tamang 2001

Dear Friends,

I've this code seaching sheets for a specific word and display it.
At this time the code accepts only a correct spellings. If wrong a msg box
is displayed. I want, that code should accept any two english alphabets typed
in the text box and display the result with words that contains two letters

Any idea!! Help!!

Private Sub cmdbtn1_Click()
Dim Sh As Worksheet
Dim FoundIt As Boolean
Set DestSht = Sheets("Main")
NewRow = 12

d = "B4: B5000"
'e = "B1:B5000"
Let c = txtbx1.Value

For Each Sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
With Sh.Range(d)
Set b = .Find(c, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows)

If c = "" Then
MsgBox "You haven't typed anything in the Search Box" & vbNewLine &
"Contact:US", , "Help!!"
Exit Sub

ElseIf Not b Is Nothing Then
firstAddress = b.Address
lbl1.Caption = b

Sh.Range("B" & b.Row & ":H" & b.Row).Copy Destination:=DestSht.Range("B" &
DestSht.Range("A" & NewRow) = Sh.Name
NewRow = NewRow + 1
FoundIt = True
Set b = .FindNext(after:=b)
Loop While Not b Is Nothing And b.Address <> firstAddress
End If
End With

If FoundIt = False Then
MsgBox "Data not found!!", , "Sorry!!"
End If

End Sub
Private Sub cmdbtn2_Click()
lbl1.Caption = ""
txtbx1.Value = ""
LastRow = Rows.Count
Rows("12:" & LastRow).Delete

End Sub
Sub Findit()
Dim search As String, sh As Worksheet, orig As Worksheet
search = InputBox("Enter characters to find")
If search = "" Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set orig = ActiveSheet
For Each sh In Sheets
Cells.Find(search, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart).Select
If Err.Number = 0 Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox search & " not found."
End Sub
Private Sub cmdbtn1_Click()
Dim NewRow As Long
Dim firstAddress As String, sWhat As String
Dim sAddr As String, sMsg As String
Dim rFound As Range
Dim Sh As Worksheet
Dim FoundIt As Boolean
Dim DestSht As Worksheet

Set DestSht = Sheets("Sheet1")
NewRow = 12

sAddr = "B4: B5000"
'e = "B1:B5000"
Let sWhat = txtbx1.Value

If Len(sWhat) = 2 Then
sWhat = "*" & sWhat & "*"
ElseIf Len(sWhat) < 2 Then
If Len(sWhat) = 1 Then
sMsg = "You only enered one character"
sMsg = "You haven't typed anything in the Search Box" & _
vbNewLine & "Contact:US"
End If
MsgBox sMsg, , "Help!!"
Exit Sub
End If

For Each Sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
With Sh.Range(sAddr)

Set rFound = .Find(sWhat, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, _

If Not rFound Is Nothing Then
firstAddress = rFound.Address
DestSht.Range("B" & NewRow & ":H" & NewRow).Value = _
rFound.Resize(, 7).Value
DestSht.Range("A" & NewRow) = Sh.Name
NewRow = NewRow + 1
FoundIt = True
Set rFound = .FindNext(after:=rFound)
Loop While Not rFound Is Nothing And _
rFound.Address <> firstAddress
End If
End With

If FoundIt = False Then
MsgBox "Data not found!!", , "Sorry!!"
End If

End Sub

Peter T
Hey Peter, your code worked fine. But a problem!

The code displayed 5000 rows with the same entry in the Set DestSht =
Sheets("Sheet1"). How to avoid the Sheet 1?
Ah of course, you don't want to search the destination sheet

Set DestSht = WorkSheets("Sheet1")
' code

For Each Sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If Sh.Name <> DestSht.Name Then
' code

End If

You might want to first delete all previous entries in the destination
sheet, or include some code to start NewRow below the last entry.

Peter T
Hi, Peter,

It worked fine!! Can you please help me to set focus on txtbx1 in the main
I'm not sure what you consider is the main sheet. Assuming txtbx1 is an
ActiveX textbox maybe you can adapt the following to your needs -

Sub test()
Dim ole As OLEObject
Set ole = Worksheets("Sheet1").OLEObjects("Textbox1")

End Sub

Peter T
Hey Pete,

Exactly, I have named the sheet1 as 'Main'
The code didn't work. I don't see the cursor blink in the txtbx1
Hey Pete,

Exactly, I have named the sheet1 as 'Main'
The code didn't work. I don't see the cursor blink in the txtbx1
When you say the code didn't work try and explain what you mean. Did it
error, if so one what line, what error message.

The code should work, did you adjust all the names correctly. Start with a
simple macro exactly as posted. Put am ActiveX Textbox named "Textbox1" on
"Sheet1" of the activeworkbook. Select a cell on sheet1. Activate a
different sheet. Run the macro.

Peter T
hi, Pete,

Can you tell me if it's possible to protect the main sheet. I tried once but
the controls in the protected sheet didn't respond. Any idea!!!
hi, Pete,

Can you tell me if it's possible to protect the main sheet. I tried once but
the controls in the protected sheet didn't respond. Any idea!!!
I modified only the names in the code like this:

Sub test()
Dim ole As OLEObject
Set ole = Worksheets("Main").OLEObjects("txtbx1")

End Sub

Sorry!! The code showed no response!!
I mean the cursor didn't blink in the txtbx1
I modified only the names in the code like this:

Sub test()
Dim ole As OLEObject
Set ole = Worksheets("Main").OLEObjects("txtbx1")

End Sub

Sorry!! The code showed no response!!
I mean the cursor didn't blink in the txtbx1
The code works fine for me so there must be some simple explanation for it
not working your end. Assuming you started on a different sheet, Does Sheet1
(or your Main) activate after running the code. If you are running the code
from the VBE you need to switch to Excel and ensure it is active, click the
main Excel caption to be sure.

Peter T
In 2007, Review, (Changes) Protect Sheet
In 97-2003, Tools, Protection, Protect Sheet

Peter T
I protected the sheet! My concern is that the controls in the sheet didn't
I protected the sheet! My concern is that the controls in the sheet didn't