Seagate's Giant 750GB Hard Drive

Great find Murdoch :thumb:

It would only get filled with junk though ...holds enough space for say 200 Dvds (if you have that many) nah too big M8
that would be great for server storage, media centre or video editing but i doubt many people will buy them until HD movies and video cameras become more mainstream
My guess is after fomatting you would probably lose 10 - 15gig straight away.

Nevertheless still a substantial gain in storage space
If you had one of those hard drives or indeed two, what the heck would you store on there?
Lottsa movies; lottsa photos; lottsa audio; at least the last five years' accounts; audio books; lots and lots of games; CAD files; recipes; and anything else you can think of.

Would be good for recording studios, where they do lots of takes all in WAV format.

If you were ever to fill around three quarters of 2 x 750Gb in a RAID 0 (1500 Gb) I think backup may be a bit of a problem.

An additional RAID 1 setup with two more of those drives would be an answer, but total cost for that setup in disks alone would be $2360.00.
floppybootstomp said:
An additional RAID 1 setup with two more of those drives would be an answer, but total cost for that setup in disks alone would be $2360.00.

Thats the price to pay for space that you will probably never use....