SE K800i

Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score

Still looking for a new phone, and as Chris has now had his K800i for a couple of weeks i was hoping he would give us the run down on it. Good and bad points, how it compares to other phones etc etc. Ive seen the photos it took, even the "turd" photo, and that looks pretty impressive.

So, Chris, lets be having it!! ;)
Well its a pretty good phone really - not much more to say...

Cant think of any bad points off the top of my head...

not all of the pictures are great - you guys have only ever seen the good ones, some are bad and noisy - but it is, after all, a phone.

Messaging is calls are great... keypad could be a little bigger and the keys a bit more spaced but im not complaining, i have big hands...

If i think of anything else i will let you know
Thanks mate, just ive always been a nokia boy and switching to SE after 7 years or whatever is a BIG STEP!! haha. Need some convincing, although my mate has the model previous to the k800i and it looks pretty good.
christopherpostill said:
Its better than the K750.
sniff sniff.....

*Ady looks down at his now obsolete K750i*
haha sorry bud.

Just sold mine for near a hundred quid on eBay though... so if you can get an upgrade...

The K750i does have one thing over the K800i - the flashlight. Im gonna miss that!
Mmmm....£100 - I shall have to look into that Chris!

Is the W810i any good?
I'm currently on pay-as-you-go but have been offered a good deal if i switch to pre-pay.
Who is the best provider to go for? Was thinking of Orange as all my family are on it?
arbour said:
Is the W810i any good?
I'm currently on pay-as-you-go but have been offered a good deal if i switch to pre-pay.
That be the MP3 walkman one? - personally I would keep the phone as a phone, and have a seperate MP3 player.

Who is the best provider to go for? Was thinking of Orange as all my family are on it?
I'm with Orange and happy with it, but its been discussed numerous times on these forums, and you will get a multitude of differing opinions - search and have a look.

For me, I want the best signal for where I live and the areas I visit most often ie work - Orange can give me that as Voda, O2, 3 etc are cr*p where I live.