Reason I'm thinking of a change is that me Zallman is good and very good with Cool and Quiet , but with Cool and Quiet enabled I have to press F1 every time I start me pc which is not very good . We are looking at quite a significant drop in temps with the Cool and Quiet so I think its worth using especialy as I'm crunching and looking to make my sytem run at its best for as long as possible .
With the antec case I have you can put a fan on the side with a duct for the cpu . Well I did this and only got a temp drop of 1 to 2 degrees , I modified the duct to go right over the cpu and managed to get another 1 degree drop . I'm not realy happy with the temps and would like to lowere them as much as possible . Yes I could have all my fans running at max , but who the heck wants to sit next to a tractor . I want ioo% cpu use at 0 degrees in total silence now I don't think thats too much to ask for in this day and age .
I've followed the Cool and Quiet guide and had the system working . There is an issue with the Zalman fan as I've mentioned . I think the technology is good , it reduces temps automaticaly which is a good thing and it seemed to work well for me . Just need a different fan . Of course I could replace the fan on the zalman its quite a simple job for anyone with an ounce of common sense . But I've got into geek mode and realy like the sound of the Ninja so I recon I'm gonna go for it .
As to C+Q and crunching , even though I'm running at nearly 100% all the time the C+Q does seem to keep temps down lower than without it running . I'm going to do a test tonight or tommorow and will post some results .
lower temps = longer life = more money for the good things in life
"In May 2006 Intel announced that production of the 80486 would cease at the end of September 2007"
Had no idea they were still used for embedded systems.
Anyway it rings a bell that the 486's were the first processors that required a dedicated lump of metal to cool them. I may be talking out my arse however