Scrolling when doing a drag and drop in TableLayoutPanel (VS2005)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jeff
  • Start date Start date



I am trying to drag and drop a label control from one cell in a
tablelayoutpanel to another (VB2005). There is no problem if both
cells are visible, but i cannot get the tablelayoutpanel to scroll in
any direction (autoscroll is on), when the cell i want to drag to is
no currently visible and requires scrolling to get to see it.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I have also noticed that my middle mouse scrollwheel no longer works
for my tablelayoutpanel. Weird as it worked when i first started
developing the form, but now the TLP is on a panel, it no longer
works. Is this normal?

Thanks so much,

i want to drag and drop button on the tablelayout panel
can u send me ur code for drag and drop label on the table layout panel.
my requirement is i have to drag drop button on the tablelayout panel andfurther i have to drag and drp
the user control.
pls help me

Yous might have nmore success (from me at least) if you dropped the
moronic textspeak.