Scrolling Down in a Folder

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When I scroll in a folder, word, explorer, etc., the screen appears to
refresh or stutter as I go down or up with the arrows or PG up/down buttons.
I am used to it being continuous. Is there a setting so it doesn't appear to
reload or refresh as I scroll?
Armadillon said:
When I scroll in a folder, word, explorer, etc., the screen appears to
refresh or stutter as I go down or up with the arrows or PG up/down
buttons. I am used to it being continuous. Is there a setting so it
doesn't appear to reload or refresh as I scroll?

Update your video card drivers. Never get drivers from Windows Update.
Get them from:

1. The device mftr.'s website; OR
2. The motherboard mftr.'s website if hardware is onboard; OR
3. The OEM's website for your specific machine if you have an OEM
computer (HP, Dell, Sony, etc.).

Read the installation instructions on the website where you get the

To find out what hardware is in your computer:

1. Read any documentation you got when you bought the computer.
2. If the computer is OEM, go to the OEM's website for your specific
model machine and look at the specs (you'll be there to get the drivers
3. Download, install and run a free system inventory program like Belarc
Advisor. The older Aida32 is good for this, too. - Belarc Advisor - Aida32 (hosted on Jim Eshelman's site)

'Armadillon' wrote:
| When I scroll in a folder, word, explorer, etc., the screen appears to
| refresh or stutter as I go down or up with the arrows or PG up/down
| I am used to it being continuous. Is there a setting so it doesn't appear
| reload or refresh as I scroll?

There is a setting for 'smooth scroll'.
Also, if you use a 'wheel mouse' there is a setting for how many lines to
scroll at a time, as well as 'accelerated scroll'.

What type of system do you have? Have you changed anything to do with the
display adapter? Are you comparing your experience with one computer to
your experience with another, or is this a change you've noticed on the same

Of course, the screen IS refreshed 60 to maybe 120 times per second. What
exactly do you mean by 'stutter'. When you do a fast scroll, there WILL be
a jump because you are moving the image faster than the refresh rate. If
you move the image an inch on the screen in a 30th of a second, for example,
it WILL appear to jump.

More information will help with a diagnosis. Always keep in mind that there
is nothing so hard to get rid of as a jumped conclusion.

Phil Weldon

| When I scroll in a folder, word, explorer, etc., the screen appears to
| refresh or stutter as I go down or up with the arrows or PG up/down
| I am used to it being continuous. Is there a setting so it doesn't appear
| reload or refresh as I scroll?
thanks. I'll give it a shot.

Malke said:
Update your video card drivers. Never get drivers from Windows Update.
Get them from:

1. The device mftr.'s website; OR
2. The motherboard mftr.'s website if hardware is onboard; OR
3. The OEM's website for your specific machine if you have an OEM
computer (HP, Dell, Sony, etc.).

Read the installation instructions on the website where you get the

To find out what hardware is in your computer:

1. Read any documentation you got when you bought the computer.
2. If the computer is OEM, go to the OEM's website for your specific
model machine and look at the specs (you'll be there to get the drivers
3. Download, install and run a free system inventory program like Belarc
Advisor. The older Aida32 is good for this, too. - Belarc Advisor - Aida32 (hosted on Jim Eshelman's site)

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
Elephant Boy Computers
"Don't Panic"
I have adjusted the smooth scroll. not it.
No wheel mouse. Not it.

I am comparing this versus my old computer, but I am also comparing it to a
co-worker with same computer, but who doesn't have the same problem. It is a
2.5 GHZ, 512 RAM Gateway.

Basically, the problem is when you are the bottom of the page (Word or IE)
and you click the down arrow or PgDn. Instead of a smooth roll, there is a
visual effect like it is refreshing with ever hit of the button down. I am
comparing it to a computer where once a page was loaded, it just rolled down
without the apparent refresh o reloading of the information on the screen.
I just noticed something weird. The problem occurs when I click on the main
right scroll bar on the newsgroup page, but it doesn't do it when I click on
the message box scroll bar or the current message scroll bar.

I wonder what that means.
'Armadillon' wrote, in part:
| I am comparing this versus my old computer, but I am also comparing it to
| co-worker with same computer, but who doesn't have the same problem. It is
| 2.5 GHZ, 512 RAM Gateway.
| Basically, the problem is when you are the bottom of the page (Word or IE)
| and you click the down arrow or PgDn. Instead of a smooth roll, there is a
| visual effect like it is refreshing with ever hit of the button down. I am
| comparing it to a computer where once a page was loaded, it just rolled
| without the apparent refresh o reloading of the information on the screen.

The screen DOES refresh at the frame rate. Always.
Could you come up with a better description?

Your co-worker may have the same machine, but it may be set up differently.

Phil Weldon

|I have adjusted the smooth scroll. not it.
| No wheel mouse. Not it.
| I am comparing this versus my old computer, but I am also comparing it to
| co-worker with same computer, but who doesn't have the same problem. It is
| 2.5 GHZ, 512 RAM Gateway.
| Basically, the problem is when you are the bottom of the page (Word or IE)
| and you click the down arrow or PgDn. Instead of a smooth roll, there is a
| visual effect like it is refreshing with ever hit of the button down. I am
| comparing it to a computer where once a page was loaded, it just rolled
| without the apparent refresh o reloading of the information on the screen.
| "Phil Weldon" wrote:
| > 'Armadillon' wrote:
| > | When I scroll in a folder, word, explorer, etc., the screen appears to
| > | refresh or stutter as I go down or up with the arrows or PG up/down
| > buttons.
| > | I am used to it being continuous. Is there a setting so it doesn't
| > to
| > | reload or refresh as I scroll?
| > _____
| >
| > There is a setting for 'smooth scroll'.
| > Also, if you use a 'wheel mouse' there is a setting for how many lines
| > scroll at a time, as well as 'accelerated scroll'.
| >
| > What type of system do you have? Have you changed anything to do with
| > display adapter? Are you comparing your experience with one computer to
| > your experience with another, or is this a change you've noticed on the
| > system?
| >
| > Of course, the screen IS refreshed 60 to maybe 120 times per second.
| > exactly do you mean by 'stutter'. When you do a fast scroll, there WILL
| > a jump because you are moving the image faster than the refresh rate.
| > you move the image an inch on the screen in a 30th of a second, for
| > it WILL appear to jump.
| >
| > More information will help with a diagnosis. Always keep in mind that
| > is nothing so hard to get rid of as a jumped conclusion.
| >
| > Phil Weldon
| >
| > | > | When I scroll in a folder, word, explorer, etc., the screen appears to
| > | refresh or stutter as I go down or up with the arrows or PG up/down
| > buttons.
| > | I am used to it being continuous. Is there a setting so it doesn't
| > to
| > | reload or refresh as I scroll?
| > |
| > |
| >
| >
| >
Follow the suggestions 'Malke' posted.

The two different panes likely move differently because the main pane will
display from a large amount of information and the current message pane
displays from only a small amount of information. (Or whatever the two
regions are called in the execrable Microsoft newsgroup web interface. Once
you get this sorted, do yourself a favor and use a newsreader. You already
have 'Outlook Express'. Though there are better newsreaders, even 'Outlook
Express' gives a far better experience news reading what you are using to

Phil Weldon

|I just noticed something weird. The problem occurs when I click on the main
| right scroll bar on the newsgroup page, but it doesn't do it when I click
| the message box scroll bar or the current message scroll bar.
| I wonder what that means.
| "Armadillon" wrote:
| > When I scroll in a folder, word, explorer, etc., the screen appears to
| > refresh or stutter as I go down or up with the arrows or PG up/down
| > I am used to it being continuous. Is there a setting so it doesn't
appear to
| > reload or refresh as I scroll?
| >
| >