scroll bar

  • Thread starter Thread starter John
  • Start date Start date


When I'm online and use the scroll bar with my mouse the
action is multiplied by about 3 times. That is to say if I
click the open space on the bar about 3 pages go by and if
I click on the arrows 3 to 4 lines advance. Internet
Explorer 6 W/Windows 98 is the only program I have this
problem with. My other computer with I.E.6 and Windows XP
works just fine.
Guess I should have read a few inqueries before I entering
my own. My problem seems to be a common one.
It's very aggravating.... soon we hope Mr/ Gates will fix
it --- read the below message:

Subject: Re: Problems scrolling
From: "neil f" <[email protected]> Sent: 12/4/2003
1:18:54 PM

Ron said:
For some reason each time I click my mouse on the sidebar
to page down it moves down two pages at a time instead of
one like it use to. Can anyone tell me how to rectify

I will name my first born after you . . .

Thanks, Ron

OK Ron, hope you like the name 'Neil' (only kidding).
I've done a little digging and apparently this
scrolling 'feature' is caused
by some faulty coding in the latest IE6 security update.
If you can live
without the update for a while until MS fix the problem
just go to
Start>>Control Panel>>Add/Remove Programs and scroll down
to highlight IE6
update Q824145 and click on Remove. After a reboot your
scrolling should
return to normal - mine has, phew.

-Neil F.

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