Dan Clemente
We are currently manually changing the default file
locations for all Office XP apps once the user profiles
are created on new systems. It would be nice to run a
script which could change the file locations automatically
for World, Excel and PPT. The location is simply changing
from Docs and Settings\User\My Docs to Docs and
Settings\User\My Docs\Word etc. How would I create this
script, there don't seem to be Reg entries for default
file locations for the Office Apps under Options? What
would I use for the user folder under Docs and Settings,
can I use a variable to reflect whoever the current user
locations for all Office XP apps once the user profiles
are created on new systems. It would be nice to run a
script which could change the file locations automatically
for World, Excel and PPT. The location is simply changing
from Docs and Settings\User\My Docs to Docs and
Settings\User\My Docs\Word etc. How would I create this
script, there don't seem to be Reg entries for default
file locations for the Office Apps under Options? What
would I use for the user folder under Docs and Settings,
can I use a variable to reflect whoever the current user