
  • Thread starter Thread starter santosh
  • Start date Start date


can anybudy help me out...

i want to rename all local machines administrator
account,reset the password of that account and want to add
a new user with administrator privielages of local

can it be done by group policy
or script
check into the cusrmgr utility in the resource kit for modifying passwords
and removing users from a local account.
you should be able to use the addusers utility (also from the RK) to create
local user accounts.
I had to change all local admin passwords for our company, and I used this
process. took about 15 minutes per time, and about 4 times (different days)
to get all the systems finished.

I extracted a list of computer names from AD and put into a file called
nopingReply.txt, then ran this batch file against it.
when the process finished, I had a list of systems that were successful, and
a list of systems that I couldn't access. I renamed compsbad to nopingreply
and ran every day until I was fairly confident I got 'em all. The errors
file told me which systems I had to go back and manually take care of, and
sometimes it indicated the users were messing around with the local accounts
and removing domain admins from the administrators group.
Hope this helps

echo off
copy nopingreply.txt complist.txt

echo processing next name
set ComputerName=
for /f "eol=; tokens=1*" %%i in (Complist.txt) do set computername=%%i
if %computername%"==" goto ender
ping -n 1 %computername%|find/i"reply"
if errorlevel 1 goto BadPing
if errorlevel 0 goto ProcessAdmin

echo processing list
type complist.txt| find /v "%computername%">complist1.txt
copy complist1.txt complist.txt
goto repeat

echo %computername%>>compsbad.txt
goto next

echo processing local admin change on %computername%>>Completed.txt
cusrmgr -u Administrator -m \\%computername% -P
if errorlevel 1 goto next
echo Didn't like %computername%
if errorlevel 0 echo Problem with resetting %computername%>>Errors.txt
goto next

del complist.txt
del complist1.txt