You can use the Windows Scripting host "Network" object to add printers.
To add a printer:
Dim oWshnetwork 'Declare a variable (not neccesary in Windows scriptinh
edition, but good practice)
Set oWshnetwork=CreateObject("wscript.network") 'Create the network object
oWshnetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection "\\myServer\myPrintershare" 'use
the AddWindowsPrinterConnection Method
If you would like to use a users group membership to determine what printers
a users should have installed, you could extend the script to check for
group membership. Try something like this
Dim oWshnetwork
Dim adSysinfo
Dim ADObj
set adsysinfo=createobject("adsysteminfo") 'create a ADSSystemInfo Object
Set oWshnetwork=CreateObject("wscript.network") 'Create a Network Object
Set ADObj=GetObject("LDAP://" & adSysinfo.UserName) 'Bind a object to the
dirctory path of the user logging on
For Each group In ADObj.groups 'Check what groups the user is a member of
Select Case group.samaccountname
' Check if the user is a member of Printergroup1 if so install printer
Case "PrinterGroup1"
oWshnetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection "\\myServer\Printer1"
' Check if the user is a member of Printergroup2 if so install printer
Case "PrinterGroup2"
oWshnetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection "\\myServer\Printer2"
End select
Good luck
Niclas Lindblom