script, help??

Sep 14, 2005
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Ok,i have a problem with a couple applications working on all 3 of my users so i updated the scripts and it fixed the problem but only on 1 user,when i try installing it on other users it doesn't work how can i fix it???

I cant do a system restore because i had this problem for a couple of months now and i installed programs that i lost the cd's to re install them.

And i dont want to reformat because of the same reason.
10344 said:
Ok,i have a problem with a couple applications working on all 3 of my users so i updated the scripts and it fixed the problem but only on 1 user,when i try installing it on other users it doesn't work how can i fix it???.

Is the operating system MS XP? If so were you logged in as Administrator? If not that might account for why your changes only affected one of the users. That is the one you were logged in as.
10344 said:
The oparating system is ms xp,and all of the users are admin.

In that case my suggestion is obviously invalid & there is nothing else I can suggest except to make the change for each administrator/user.