I want to write a script that will find all items in folder X:\userbackup – on SERVERBACKUP and all items in main\FileServer\marketing and compare those 2 folders for any missing stuff and if there are some changes - I want from that script to send a MESSAGE ERROR to me.
How to start that script? Can I write script that will automatically connect to the drive on the network? Like for example:
1) it will connect to drive X:\userbackup <this is one server> and record in .txt file what items are in that folder
2) it will connect to \main\filerserver\marketing <this is second server> and record in .txt file what items are in that folder
3) compare those 2 txt file and if file from X:\userbackup is missing something or if txt from …\fileserver has something that txt from …user backup does not have then send error message
How to start that script? Can I write script that will automatically connect to the drive on the network? Like for example:
1) it will connect to drive X:\userbackup <this is one server> and record in .txt file what items are in that folder
2) it will connect to \main\filerserver\marketing <this is second server> and record in .txt file what items are in that folder
3) compare those 2 txt file and if file from X:\userbackup is missing something or if txt from …\fileserver has something that txt from …user backup does not have then send error message