Script for Change the Proxy Setting

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New User


Is it possible to use script or single executable file to modify the
user's IE proxy setting?
I would like to use it on logon script.

Thanks a lot!
Proxy can be changed in the registry:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
The relevant keys are:

You either set it with Regedit /s Proxy1.reg
or the command reg add. See reg add /? for help
Torpedro said:
Proxy can be changed in the registry:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
The relevant keys are:

You either set it with Regedit /s Proxy1.reg
or the command reg add. See reg add /? for help
Thanks for your information. The user is just normal user, does they can
update the registry by running regedit /s?

How about execute from VB Script?

If no special restrictions are applied users can edit REgistry keys
they can normally write to. IE is just a program running under the
useres account, same is regedit.

VBScript is often disabled (at least at my company), thats why i prefer
regedit or reg.exe

I cannot help you with vbscript, but i think it's also trivial.