Windows XP Screensaver Tab Missing!!!

Aug 16, 2008
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I have had a few problems with my PC over the last 24 hours. I have bought an antivirus package and have run it and sorted out all the problems it found. I have noticed my screensaver isnt kicking in and when i go to the control panel the 'screensaver' tab in the appearance and themes section has gone.

How do I get this back, so I can get my screensavers working again.

Please Help!!!
Sadly my mind reading skills don't work on weekends, so Operating System & PC specs would help us to help you better.
D'oh, I should have thought to have included them in my orignal thread. I'm not to sure of the PC specs, but I am operating Windows XP home edition. Let me know what else you need to know.

Many Thanks.