My brother just got a new laptop and right out of the box the images and
texts on the screen are too small. We have adjusted font size, dpi, and
resolution to no avail. It's a dell d810 if that helps. If anyone knows how
to fix it I appreciate it.
There's not many suggestions to make for this situation.
To make desktop items and text larger, make the desktop size smaller. Then
if necessary, adjust the DPI. He may find enabling ClearType to be helpful
too: Display properties> Appearance> Effects: Change Font Smoothing from
none or standard to cleartype.
Some folks will use a standard monitor with a laptop for better
viewability. Using the laptop screen only on the road.
Display quality can vary greatly from one laptop to the next with the same
sized screen. A different quality display (screen and adapter) can make the
same desktop more usable. While it could be argued this was a matter of
aesthetics, visual comfort is important.
Since this laptop is new, he may want to call Dell to find out if there are
display options available to him. It may mean exchanging the machine for a
different one instead of changing out the hardware on the one he has.