Screen saver problem

  • Thread starter KMS - Brett Anderson
  • Start date

KMS - Brett Anderson

I have just bought a new computer, loaded with XP Pro. Moving up
<sideways?> from Win2K Pro.

I have a favourite screen saver that I've used for years. On all previous
versions of Windows, I've only had to move the .scr file into the System32

I've done this with XP Pro, but it still does not appear in the
properties/screensaver window. I have no "install" program with this screen
saver, just the .scr file.

Any tips on how to get it into the selection offered at
properties/screensaver would be appreciated.


Brett Anderson

Ronnie Vernon MVP

KMS said:
I have just bought a new computer, loaded with XP Pro. Moving up
<sideways?> from Win2K Pro.

I have a favourite screen saver that I've used for years. On all
previous versions of Windows, I've only had to move the .scr file
into the System32 folder.

I've done this with XP Pro, but it still does not appear in the
properties/screensaver window. I have no "install" program with this
screen saver, just the .scr file.

Any tips on how to get it into the selection offered at
properties/screensaver would be appreciated.


Brett Anderson


Open Windows Explorer and locate the .scr file in question. Right click the
file and select Install from the menu.

Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP-Windows Shell/User

Please reply to the newsgroup so all may benefit.


I am not sure but I think 2k and xp are different file
systems so it wont recognise the older file.
you maybe able to find an xp version of the screen saver
with a google search.
by the way what is the screen saver,please describe ?

KMS - Brett Anderson

Hi Glen,
No luck I'm afraid. Thanks for the tip though.

Brett Anderson

KMS - Brett Anderson

The screen saver is a rotating, three dimensional "Roundel". Roundel being
the BMW logo.

As I'm a BMW related business, it's nice to have it floating on any empty
screens around the place.


Ken Blake

ThePainter said:
I am not sure but I think 2k and xp are different file
systems so it wont recognise the older file.

No, this isn't correct. Neither Windows 2000 nor XP are, or use,
a particular file system.

Both of these operating systems support several file system and
they can be used in any and all combinations. For both 2000 and
XP the list of supported file systems is the same--NTFS, FAT32,
FAT16, and FAT12 (as well as CD formats).

Ken Blake - Microsoft MVP Windows: Shell/User
Please reply to the newsgroup


KMS - Brett Anderson

Sort of solved. One of the two tips I got in the thread below worked, but
quite strangely.

I'm not sure which of the two did it, as I did both before I allowed the
computer to bring up the screen saver automatically.

Neither of the two fixes has placed the screen saver in the drop down list
available through "properties/screensavers". However, it is installed and
operating correctly. The properties box shows "None" for screen saver, but
it works despite this.

Thanks for the help gentlemen.

Brett Anderson

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