Screen Saver Policy

  • Thread starter Thread starter jack
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I need help!

I have a Windows2000 Domain controller server has the
screen saver group policy enable.

now, want to take out the screen saver policy, I went into
the User Configuration -> Administratrive Templates ->
control Panel -> Display and changed the screen
savetimeout to not configured.

But still, the screen saver still active.

can you help me what is did I do wrong, or where else I
need to change.

Thanks in advance!

You need to configure the policy that the user logging into the domain controller is
within the scope of influence. If you logon as that user you can use the gpresult
support tool to see what user configuration GPO's are being applied to that users.
Using the /v switch will give much more detailed info and help you determine which
GPO is applying that policy. In addition it may have simply been configured via
Control Panel. Right click any blank desktop and select properties/screen saver and
you may be able to disable it there. Personally I think it is a good idea to use it
with a reasonable time setting. --- Steve
Thanks Steven,

It is not just the clien workstations have problem, even
the server itself has the same problem.

I right clicked on the blank desktop and selected
properties/screen saver AND set the waite time to 2 from
the original 15 min. THEN applied the setting, but after
go back in, it changed back to 15 min automatically...

I CAN set the screen saver to NONE

but I CAN NOT change the wait time minus from neither the
client workstation nor the serveritself.

I checked, the GPO that applied to the server is
1. local group policy
2. domain controllers policy
3. domain policy
4. domain controllers policy

Help please.


Hello Jack,

do this:
-go to GP User Configuration -> Administratrive Templates -> control Panel
-> Display and instead of changing it to "not configured" change it to
"disable" then refresh policy by running secedit /refreshpolicy USER_POLICY
-log out then log in to the client make sure that "disabled" got applied,
then change to "not configured" ... should work
if does work then ignore question below..

Is there any other options configured in User Configuration ->
Administratrive Templates -> control Panel -> Display other then savetimeout

Thanks Rafal,

I have no problem with disable ScreenSaverTimeout... This
is working fine on all client workstations, but not on the
server itself.

After awhile, I changed the Screensavertimeout to NOT
Configured, but no computer take it (doesn't work on the
client, not work on the server) Even after couple times of
refreshing the user_policy .

All Policies under Control Panel\Display are NOT

Why the Not configured doesn't work?

-----Original Message-----
Hello Jack,

do this:
-go to GP User Configuration -> Administratrive Templates -> control Panel
-> Display and instead of changing it to "not configured" change it to
"disable" then refresh policy by running
secedit /refreshpolicy USER_POLICY
I have no problem with disable ScreenSaverTimeout... This
is working fine on all client workstations, but not on the
server itself

so, when you do disable screen saver timeout policy it works for everyone
but not the server itself, is that right? after applying "disable" policy and
refresfing it did you logout from server and the login again? if you didn't
then changes to policy will not apply to server, you have to log out and
After awhile, I changed the Screensavertimeout to NOT
Configured, but no computer take it (doesn't work on the
client, not work on the server) Even after couple times of
refreshing the user_policy .

so, once "disable" policy applied fine to all clients, you change it to "not
configured" and after refreshing and loging out then logon ...still old
"disable" policy apply???

is this done on the root of domain? do you have any OUs with GP linked to
have you modify default Gp in Domian Controllers container?
"block policy" or "do not override" checked somewhere?


This is what happened to the client workstation:

currently, the enforced screensavetimeout policy is 10 min.

After I disabled the SCREENSAVETIMEOUT from the server.
1. Client's screen saver Wait x min (combo box) is
gray out, the number is set to 0, can't change value.

2. Client's registry SCREENSAVETIMEOUT still is set
to 600
rol panel\display )

So I did a test...

1. I changed the registry SCREENSAVETIMEOUT value to
900. (log off and log back on) the screensaver kick in
after 15min instead of 10... which is working

2. I deleted the registry SCREENSAVETIMEOUT policy.

the Group Policy\control Panel\display

4. In the registry, a new SCREENSAVETIMEOUT policy is
created and the value is 600 again.

It seems, in somewhere, the SCREENSAVETIMEOUT's Not
Configured has a value of 600. Do you have any idea why?

To your quesiton #1, YES the client still has
old "disable" policy applied after logback on.

- yes, the changes is done on the domain controller
- there is not GP link
- there is no blok policy
