Using XP Home SP2
My screen saver does not start. It worked until yesterday when it just
stopped working. I can go to Properties, Screen Saver and make my choice,
check settings to be sure everything is correct, there and even preview the
screen saver. But in reality it doesn't ever start. I made sure I had the
latest service pack updates for XP SP2.
Knowledge Base said problem may be caused when, "The Human Interface Device
Access service is running. An administrator logs on first and the screen
saver is automatically started one time. The administrator logs off and a
non-administrator user logs on to the same computer. When these conditions
exist, the screen saver may not start automatically for the non-administrator
I don't know what the Human Interface Device Access service is. I'm the
only administrator/user of this computer and I haven't logged off. No one
else has access to my computer. Knowledge Base also says, 'Microsoft has
confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at
the beginning of this article.' (XP Home is one of the products)
How do I get my screen saver to start?
My screen saver does not start. It worked until yesterday when it just
stopped working. I can go to Properties, Screen Saver and make my choice,
check settings to be sure everything is correct, there and even preview the
screen saver. But in reality it doesn't ever start. I made sure I had the
latest service pack updates for XP SP2.
Knowledge Base said problem may be caused when, "The Human Interface Device
Access service is running. An administrator logs on first and the screen
saver is automatically started one time. The administrator logs off and a
non-administrator user logs on to the same computer. When these conditions
exist, the screen saver may not start automatically for the non-administrator
I don't know what the Human Interface Device Access service is. I'm the
only administrator/user of this computer and I haven't logged off. No one
else has access to my computer. Knowledge Base also says, 'Microsoft has
confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at
the beginning of this article.' (XP Home is one of the products)
How do I get my screen saver to start?