Screen Resolution

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jason Wills
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Jason Wills

Is there any way in which i can automatically change poeples screen
resolution to a set size when a user opens up my access file? - and then
change it back to what they had it at when they close the file?

Thanx for any help in advance

This comes under the heading of 'Bad Things Not Done' I

Apart from the fact that you could really screw someone's
settings up big time, how are you going to handle the fact
that they might have another program (like Word or Excel)
open in another window and it becomes unreadable?

What if they've got a twin head card (two screens)?

What if they've got some unheard of games card that uses
unique drivers not on the Win HC list?

What if the video card or monitor doesn't support the mode
you try to set?

Not a good idea Jason. Sorry mate.

Why not think about resizing your forms dynamically? There
used to be a utility called ShrinkerStretcher, and I'll bet
there's something on the MVPS site:
Just to piggy-back on Nick's comments (which are bang on), the Access
Developer's Handbook by Litwin, Getz and Gilbert has code to allow you to
resize forms. See for details about the
books, or you can download an MDE version of the code that you can integrate
into your application from

The ShrinkerStretch utility Nick mentioned is from Peter De Baets, and can
be purchased at

Finally, there's a freebie that I've heard about,
but have no experience with.