When starting up the display first shows the screen
resolution I've previously set it to - 1024 x 768. Then,
after getting a black screen for a few seconds it switches
to the lowest resolution - 640 x 480 - and stays there.
This just started a few days ago. I've been running this
machine with XP for about a year. I downloaded a number of
patches from Microsoft just before this began to occur.
How can I make it stop?
resolution I've previously set it to - 1024 x 768. Then,
after getting a black screen for a few seconds it switches
to the lowest resolution - 640 x 480 - and stays there.
This just started a few days ago. I've been running this
machine with XP for about a year. I downloaded a number of
patches from Microsoft just before this began to occur.
How can I make it stop?