Screen Resolution resets



Every time I turn my computer on it starts in the smallest resolution and
every time I have to change it to 800 * 600. Also when I change it it
doesn't say do you want to keep these settings.

Anyway of making it stay?

I have a Nvidia GeForce 6600 graphics card
Samsung TV acting as my monitor
Windows Vista.



Andy [YaYa]

Luke said:
Every time I turn my computer on it starts in the smallest resolution and
every time I have to change it to 800 * 600. Also when I change it it
doesn't say do you want to keep these settings.

Anyway of making it stay?

I have a Nvidia GeForce 6600 graphics card
Samsung TV acting as my monitor
Windows Vista.



What kind of TV are you using? HDTV's support high resolutions, but Standard
Def TVs usually only support a max 800x600 overscanned.

If this is an HDTV, how is it connected to the TV? I have a 40" Sasmsung
HDTV, when I connected the computer to the HDTV via HDMI cables it did the
same thing.

The reason is because the Samsung TV's HDMI connections do not report
resolutions to the computer (It's a standard called DMI I believe), most
computer monitors tell the computer what resolutions work with it and which
ones do not. If your TV doesn't do this then the monitor will default to
640x480 at startup. You can manually adjust your computer so it sends a
video signal that your TV supports, but if you send the wrong signal it can
mess up your TV.

Your other option would be to use the VGA connector on your Samsung, then
everything should work fine. I did that, yeah it's an analog connection, but
it still looks great at 1080p.


Rivatuner or rivatune there's a software called. Try it out :)

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