Keith W
Along with my normal PC I have a second elderly one that is used for back
ups and general messing about. They share keyboard, mouse and widescreen
monitor via a KVM switch. The second machine is a Pentium 3 (500mhz) with
an Intel 810 mobo and an ATI Rage Pro Turbo PCI graphics card. I have
Windows XP Pro installed and the latest drivers for the card from the ATI
website. However, it cannot produce the 1440x900 resolution that the mintor
requires and I am having to make do with 1280x1024 which reduces picture
quality somewhat but I had accepted that, because of the age of the machine,
it was all I could get and I cannot justify buying a new card. Now
however, I have just made it dual boot by installing xubuntu and amazingly
that has identified the monitor size and is producing 1440x900 through the
same mobo and graphics card.
My question is, now that I know Linux can do it, how can I accomplish it in
Windows? I have tried Powerstrip but that gives the same results as
before, i.e. 1280x1024.
ups and general messing about. They share keyboard, mouse and widescreen
monitor via a KVM switch. The second machine is a Pentium 3 (500mhz) with
an Intel 810 mobo and an ATI Rage Pro Turbo PCI graphics card. I have
Windows XP Pro installed and the latest drivers for the card from the ATI
website. However, it cannot produce the 1440x900 resolution that the mintor
requires and I am having to make do with 1280x1024 which reduces picture
quality somewhat but I had accepted that, because of the age of the machine,
it was all I could get and I cannot justify buying a new card. Now
however, I have just made it dual boot by installing xubuntu and amazingly
that has identified the monitor size and is producing 1440x900 through the
same mobo and graphics card.
My question is, now that I know Linux can do it, how can I accomplish it in
Windows? I have tried Powerstrip but that gives the same results as
before, i.e. 1280x1024.