Hi There
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question but I am not
going to search all over the site for the exact right place. I do appreciate
all the help I get.
I used to run Win 2K on my old computer and it allowed a screen resolution
greater than 1024x768 and the screen would scroll when the mouse went to the
edge. Is there any way to do that in XP? It helps when running graphic
editing programs such as Flash.
Thanks again for the help,
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question but I am not
going to search all over the site for the exact right place. I do appreciate
all the help I get.
I used to run Win 2K on my old computer and it allowed a screen resolution
greater than 1024x768 and the screen would scroll when the mouse went to the
edge. Is there any way to do that in XP? It helps when running graphic
editing programs such as Flash.
Thanks again for the help,