You're welcome!
Thank you for posting that info,
I'll keep it in our bag of tricks to help someone else.
Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
Jimmy S.
| Thank you. You helped me get to a solution. My laptop
| is using nVIDIA. When I went to the settings for Digital
| Flat Panal Options within this software, there was an
| option that allowed Display Adapter scaling. Once I
| selected that option, I got a larger screen size for the
| lower resolution games. I still had to play around with
| the compatibility settings for one game, but now I have
| everything working.
| Thank you!
| >-----Original Message-----
| >If you're not using a laptop, please disregard this
| post.
| >
| >Look for the function key combination that allows you to
| >view 3D Graphics at full screen instead of Windowed mode.
| >
| >--
| >Cheers, Windows XP MVP
| Shell / User
| >Jimmy S.
| >
| >
| >Game FAQs:
| scid=FH;[LN];gms
| >Visit my / Gaming Helpsite:
| or Call / Contact
| >MS Support at:
| scid=sz;en-us;top
| >My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I
| confer any rights.
| >_________________________________________________________
| >
| message | >| Yes, this is Reader Rabbit Thinking Adventures, Dr.
| >| Suess, and SchoolHouse Rock from the Learning Company
| >| (Riverdeep) and all say that they work on XP. I just
| >| purchased these products, so I expected them to be the
| >| latest and greatest.
| >|
| >| Maxin
| >| >-----Original Message-----
| >| >Are you running it for the operating system that it
| was
| >| designed?
| >| >--
| >| >Chris H.
| >| >Microsoft Windows MVP
| >| >
| >| >Associate Expert
| >| >Expert Zone -
| >| >
| >| message
| >| >| >| >> Yes, I spent quite a bit of time trying different
| >| >> combinations in Compatibility Mode. Unfortunately,
| I
| >| >> still had the small 3x5" window.
| >| >>
| >| >> Maxin
| >| >>>-----Original Message-----
| >| >>>Have you used Compatibility Mode to set the
| resolution?
| >| >> Right-click the
| >| >>>icon or listing you use to launch the program,
| select
| >| >> Properties and then go
| >| >>>to the Compatibility tab.
| >| >>>--
| >| >>>Chris H.
| >| >>>Microsoft Windows MVP
| >| >>>
| >| >>>Associate Expert
| >| >>>Expert Zone -
| >| >>>
| in
| >| >> message
| >| >>>| >| >>>>I installed some children's educational software
| on my
| >| >> XP
| >| >>>> laptop. This software requires the 640x480
| >| resolution.
| >| >>>> The program works fine, but it shows up on the
| screen
| >| >> as
| >| >>>> a little rectangle approx. 3"x5" and does not use
| the
| >| >>>> whole screen. This is very hard on my eyes.
| >| >>>>
| >| >>>> Is there a way to utilize the full screen at this
| low
| >| >>>> resolution?
| >| >>>>
| >| >>>> Thanks for any help you can give.
| >| >>>
| >| >>>
| >| >>>.
| >| >>>
| >| >
| >| >
| >| >.
| >| >
| >
| >
| >.
| >