Screen resize question



I've been using the ADHResize2k program and find that it works fine. I've
developed my program using 1024, 768, 96, 96 but now that laptop screens have
gotten so large and most resulations on the are set to 1440 X 900 when a
screen displays on one of these screens it is set clear to the right and half
the screen is missing, the user has to drag the screen back to the middle of
the monitor. I'm wondering if there is an update to the ADHResize2k that
takes into effect these large monitors? If I change the code in my program
to 1440, 900, 96, 96 and install it on the wide screen laptop it comes up
fine but on all other monitors it shows up quite small and that isn't going
to work as most customers have standard size monitors. Would sure like to
get an answer to this or some work around. Thanks in advance for any advice.

missinglinq via

Not familiar with ADHResize2k, but the resizer at Jamie's Software resizes
the forms dynamically. You enter the resolution the database was developed in,
and it automatically adjusts it for a new resolution, without any further
intervention by the developer. It does, according to the author, work best
in the scenario you describe, when moving the app into a higher resolution.
I've used it very successfully a number of times. As always, make a backup
copy before trying it!

There's ALWAYS more than one way to skin a cat!

Answers/posts based on Access 2000

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