-----Original Message-----
Sure, you can do that (without VBA), but you may run into problems.
1) Take a screen shot and paste into PowerPoint.
2) Select the picture of the screenshot and click Format | Picture... |
{tab}Size and note the picture dimensions.
3) Cancel out of the dialog box.
4) Click on File | Page Set-up... and adjust the slide size to match the
screenshot size.
5) Go thru the rest of your presentation and look for things that may have
been knocked out of place by the adjusted show size. The new slide size may
not work for other users who wish to do the same. It will also not work if
you adjust your screen resolution.
So it may be better to write some VBA code that would install the image from
the clipboard and resize it to the full slide size.
It might be better, if you have a lot of these, to use a screen capture
program to save the images to your HDD, then use an image importing tool to
place them into your presentation.
Hope this helps.
Bill Dilworth, Microsoft PPT MVP
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www.pptfaq.com This link will yahoo.
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