Screen painting funny??

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tim Ward
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Tim Ward

Here's what the guy (former client) says:

"Unfortunately we are having a bit of a problem with it at the moment, we
have just bought a new computer & transferred the file across which seemed
to work well until we went to the Robe Rental data entry form & started
tabbing through the fields, as we tab through, all of the fields & text seem
to develop shadows to the extent that its not really possible to use it; was
hoping that you may have an idea as to the cause? this also happens on my
newish home computer.

"Both the computers with the problem are running windows XP & MS Access
2000, whereas the original computer which still works fine is using Windows
ME with MS Access 2000; not sure if this is a conflict between Access 2000 &
XP that will be resolved with an upgrade to a newer version of Access?"

Here's what it looks like:

Now, I think I did once see something like that, but really can't remember
what or where or why or whether I managed to fix it. Any ideas please?

I would try to upgrade the video card DRIVER. Some ATI cards (probably
other manufacturers too) are supplied with the first version of their
drivers on the CD coming with the graphic card, but much more recent drivers
version, less buggy, are often available at their web site.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP