from two other posts on this subject.
Especially if one has an NVidia Graphics card. Try
this: Right
click a blank area on the
Desktop/Properties/Settings/Advanced/look for a tab
with your VideoCard (mine is GeForce4 MX 440) click that
tab and navigate around
looking for some thing like Rotate (mine is NVRotate)
then look for
Options/Landscape, Portrait, Inverted. Change to
Portrait (0 degree rotation).
Some monitors and graphics cards support
landscape as well as portrait (Portrait being standard).
Perhaps, if he
doesn't have a virus, he accidentally changed the
setting. If there's
nothing in display settings, Control Panel, Display, the
settings tab, click
Advanced (if the feature is supported by the graphics
drivers it would be on
one of these tabs) then perhaps he accidentally made the
change using the
settings on the monitor. Most have an onscreen display,
he'd have to check
his documentation for adjustment information.