Screen issues on new laptop

Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
Good day PCreviewers!

I was going to buy a new laptop. Basically, my parents claimed I could trust someone they know to come up with an offer and I kinda just went with it. However when he delivered it to their home and I tried it I couldn't help feeling dissatisfied with the quality of the image on the screen. The problem manifests itself mostly when trying to watch darker images, like videos or movies or games that are rather dark. When you look at the image from a straight angle, black just doesn't seem to look black. Not just that, it seems like everything's behind this light hue like a mist or glare. Then when you look at it from a different angle it gets darker, but details seem to fade rapidly as you turn. Now I have noticed every laptop I have seen has this effect to some extent, but this one seems to have it really bad. In fact it's so bad you cant look at the screen without there already being these "zones" on the screen where it looks different. its a very small screen but the angle by which this effect changes is so sharp you have to sit out of keyboard range to get a good look at the screen! So I would imagine a larger screen with the same quality would be completely unwatchable?

I have tried adjusting some properties of the image like the gamma value. There was this test where you have a set of lines very close to each other and when the gamma values are either too low or too high, you see these dots in the middle or something. But I had to turn the gamma all the way down and then you could still vaguely see these dots. It seemed to help but not really.

Now the person that has been trying to sell us this has given all these explanations like it's the new LED technology and it's supposed to be this way and its because its such a small screen and so on. We are probably going to be able to return it so I went to a computer store today to check out some different brands and models etc... Most of them seem to have LED screens. I really had to ask the assistant guy type to show me a black ish picture as the background image to check out this effect. It looked like there was the same effect to some extent but I dont think it was anywhere near as bad as the one we were going to buy. He just showed me an even black image, without any texture or other details, which I should have insisted on, because that way I could have checked it for this "fading" effect, but there you are. I think it's just really weird. compared to the laptop I bought 3 years ago had splendid image quality compared to this one.

All of this really brings up a few questions. If this is the new technology that every brand seems to be moving into, then why does it have this glaringly (hey look its a pun) obvious problem? The guy in the store today told me the brand of the one I was about to buy (I'll drop names and/or specs if that's ok) just has a bad quality to price ratio lately, some other person told my mother that it's got to do with LED light not dispersing as much as other types, apparently the EU wants everything from light bulbs to screens to go LED because it's so energy efficient... Really, what's up with that??

Well I don't know, I just want a laptop that lets me watch movies without my screen and its quirks becoming the main character of every movie. I used a laptop as my main pc for three years and felt pretty much ok with that. I don't see why "advanced technology" should disallow me from doing this. What is the problem here exactly and how do I make sure I buy something that doesn't have issues like this?
Sorry for the wall-of-text-ish nature of the post btw :o


Dpending how much you are going to spend if you buy a new Laptop & are you in the UK? If you are go to your local Staples and you will find lots of good Toshiba & other laptops to buy.

I'm on my 3rd Toshiba Laptop.
Prices from as little as £320 upwards.