Screen doesn't turn off

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I have Vista pre-RC1 build 5536. This is the first build I've tried on this
computer. I dual-boot into XP, works fine. I have a problem with that the
screen never goes into energy-save mode. After the set time out (20 minutes)
the screen goes black, but the monitor is still on, I can see that the
backlight is on, and the LED shows that it's on.
I have an AGP ATI Radeon 9550 graphics card. I've tried both with Microsoft
graphics drivers, and ATI, some issue.

Thanks for any suggestions,

Same Issue here with a AGP Radeon 9700 Pro.
But the secondary monitor (twin view) goes well in energy-save mode, this
issue affect only my primary monitor.

If the screen goes blank and all you can see is the backlight then it
appears that the computer is no longer sending video to the monitor.
Have you successfully had the same monitor go into standby when not
receiving a signal on another system? If you unplug the monitor from the
computer and turn it on what does it do? If it does the same thing and does
not go into standby in a resonalble amoung of time then the problem is with
the monitor.
Same with a 9600pro. Works fine in XP, worked with beta2 but now won't
standby with pre-rc1.
this problem can be caused by the ATI driver, we all have ATI card I see.

My monitor go well in energy save mode under XP, and with the Beta2 there
was no probleme itoo.
I dual-boot into XP on this machine, and the display turns off in XP, so I
know it's something with Vista.

Since you know its something in Vista than I leave it up to you to find the
problem since I am not able to fix Vista problems. Good luck on writing the
code that fixes the problem that you aware ofl Hoefully MS wiill include
your code fixes in the final release.
I don't know what your problem is, but since the standby worked in XP, on the
exact same machine, same graphics card, and there are others that report the
same thing, why are you being rude to me?
This newsgroup is about discussing issues with hardware devices, which this
of course is. Don't you think there are bugs in Vista that can be fixed. I'm
sure I could fix it if I had the source code, but that's not the point. The
point is that we (users) are reporting on this, so that the responsible
developers can look into this and come up with a fix. Or if someone has come
up with a workaround.

Same issue for me.

Dell 9100 with Radeon x600 graphics

Monitor powered down just fine in previous version of Vista but not after
up[grading to Pre-RC1

I did notice that the Upgrade did not load my monitor driver - it picked a
standard driver. After manually loading the correct driver ( Dell 2005) I
saw no change - problem still there.

I hope they fix this one soon!

Since your Display is connected to your graphics card Vista only talkes to
the drivers for the graphics card I was suprised that you know that the
problem is in Vista itself and not in the graphics card/drivers porperly
responding to the final Vista grapphics card specifications from MS. Also
the fact that your problem is not being reported by others with Vists
Pre-RC1 implies that it may something unique to an ATI 9550 card and its
curent set of Vista Drivers.
I do agree it would have been better if I had stated all this in my first
respons and I apologize for not doing so.

The problem certainly Could be in Vista but I submit that it also Could be
in the ATI drivers.
the fact that your problem is not being reported by others with Vists
Pre-RC1 implies that it may something unique to an ATI 9550 card and its
curent set of Vista Drivers.

Did you read the other answers (Included the one I post) ??
At this time we are 3 with 3 differents ATI's cards with this probleme!
I again apologize this time for not acknowledging that it also appeares to
be hapeneing with other ATI cards and drivers on Vista then the 9550.
I just noticed something, I changed to VGA analog instead of DVI (and I
actually also added a kvm switch, not sure if that matters) and now the
screen turns off. Are you guys using DVI?

a workaround may be a shareware Turn Off Monitor at

Bill said:
Same issue for me.

Dell 9100 with Radeon x600 graphics

Monitor powered down just fine in previous version of Vista but not after
up[grading to Pre-RC1

I did notice that the Upgrade did not load my monitor driver - it picked a
standard driver. After manually loading the correct driver ( Dell 2005) I
saw no change - problem still there.

I hope they fix this one soon!


Hauk said:
I have Vista pre-RC1 build 5536. This is the first build I've tried on this
computer. I dual-boot into XP, works fine. I have a problem with that the
screen never goes into energy-save mode. After the set time out (20
the screen goes black, but the monitor is still on, I can see that the
backlight is on, and the LED shows that it's on.
I have an AGP ATI Radeon 9550 graphics card. I've tried both with
graphics drivers, and ATI, some issue.

Thanks for any suggestions,