I have been having a problem with a blinking monitor on my computer.
At random, the screen will go blank (black) for about 1 second and
then go back on again. I have ran several web-based anti-virus
checkers and Norton systemworks with no viruses found. I think it may
be a boot sector type virus because I noticed that it can happen even
when I am in the CMOS setup. It happens even when I boot off of a
supposedly clean boot disk (norton systemworks). I would really
appreciate some help with this. I am a seasoned PC user but have
little virus fighting experience. Thank you.
At random, the screen will go blank (black) for about 1 second and
then go back on again. I have ran several web-based anti-virus
checkers and Norton systemworks with no viruses found. I think it may
be a boot sector type virus because I noticed that it can happen even
when I am in the CMOS setup. It happens even when I boot off of a
supposedly clean boot disk (norton systemworks). I would really
appreciate some help with this. I am a seasoned PC user but have
little virus fighting experience. Thank you.