My son's computer sporadically emits a screeching noise that goes on for
varying periods. It is not apparently overheating and sounds as if it is
coming from the processor area but cannot be sure. He thinks it is some
alarm. Anyone got any clues?
From 28 years of experience with computers I can tell you the noise is
coming from one of the two or three cooling fans inside the computer.
The fans are built down to a price and so do not last very long. The
cheaper the computer the sooner they fail. And, the inside of a
computer gets very dusty which does not help. Provided the cooling
fans do not stop the noise is not a problem. However, if the fan
fails you are in serious trouble. If your processor is an AMD (an
excellent processor) then it can actually burn you main board and
processor. There are some many fan types and sizes it is not
something you can simply fix yourself. My advice is to take it to a
good (meaning someone who knows what they are doing not like one
response who suggested re-seating the memory) computer services
company and they will qucikly find the fan and replace it. If you are
in South Manchester we can help. My advice is to find a computer
service company who is a Microsoft Small Business Specialist as they
do have a good rounded knowledge.