
  • Thread starter Thread starter IAmIronMan
  • Start date Start date


What did you do email everyone off list and ask them not
to help me?

I asked for assistance in another thread (Straighten Out
This Mess) and no one helped me.

Look I apologize. I need to learn this but I want to
copy /paste it so I can make it work.

First off how are r and rows different in the sample?

The rest of you dont bother responding if you don't want
to help.

This group is supposed to help........
IAmIronMan said:
What did you do email everyone off list and ask them not
to help me?

I asked for assistance in another thread (Straighten Out
This Mess) and no one helped me.

Look I apologize. I need to learn this but I want to
copy /paste it so I can make it work.

First off how are r and rows different in the sample?

The rest of you dont bother responding if you don't want
to help.

This group is supposed to help........


Do you have a VB.NET question?
This person scorpion53061 wrote a code sample at

in which he did not explain it well.

All I am asking for is for him to write in a way that I
can copy and paste it into my project without the stupid
blue comments. I have never seen as poor a how to article.

I need to know how to do something like this but he got
real long winded for nothing.

I dont understand the differece between 'r' and 'rows'

This group is suppose to help.

Scorpion, stop hiding and face me. I am just trying to
understand what you wrote.

If you need more information than that see the threads

Straighten This Out....


Giving Back(Thank You)

I think better is if nobody feeds this, it is in other newsgroups also.
And I was sure you would not do that


Because no one will answer me.........scorpion emailed
everyone telling them not to help me.

He (acting like a she) isn't responding to my posts.
Emailing him is out because his spam filter is rejecting

I just need a little help here with this. Just paste the
code here what he wrote without all the other stuff on
there. When I do that I get errors all over the place.
-----Original Message-----
This person scorpion53061 wrote a code sample at

in which he did not explain it well.

Why not answer in the other thread? Nobody knows what you were referring to.
If you want to write a single person, ask him if you can write him an email.


Look just paste the code like it should be.....

Then I will leave it be.

Cor, get off my case. I am just trying to get him to
answer me as I need this code to work.

I think scorpion does not know the answer and he copied
and pasted hte code from someone else. That is why he is
not answering.
At the risk of feeding the trolls, go away! Your mad at scorp b/c he won't
take the comment lines out of his instructional web page so you can do a
direct copy and paste? And you have the Gaul to accuse him of stealing
code? He contributes a lot to the group and properly cites his
sources for his code. YOu on the other hand complain b/c you are too lazy
to simply remove his comments which he put there to help out the exact type
of people that you claim to be a part of.

As is clearly evident to anyone active in that group, he doesn't answer your
questions because you berate him...Who would answer your question after you
write stuff like this? And are so lazy and unprofessional that you ARE MAD

And this makes him a thief?
Try this:

'-- Put this at the top
Imports Office = Microsoft.Office.Core
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

Private Sub CreateSpreadSheetFromDataSet()
Dim Excel As New Excel.Application
Dim oBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim WSheet As New Excel.Worksheet

WSheet = Excel.Workbooks.Add.Worksheets.Add
Excel.Visible = True

Dim rows As Integer
Dim columns As Integer
Dim r As Integer
Dim c As Integer

Dim DataArray(rows, columns) As Object

For c = 0 To columns - 1
DataArray(r, c) = dstest.Tables(0).Columns.Item(c).ColumnName
For r = 0 To rows - 1
DataArray(r, c) = dstest.Tables(0).Rows(r).Item(c)

WSheet.Range("A2").Resize(rows, columns).Value = DataArray

Dim columns2 as Integer
Dim columns3 as Integer = 1

For columns2 = 0 To dstest.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1

WSheet.Cells(1, columns3).Value =
columns3 = columns3 + 1


End Sub

Private Function closeExcel() As Short
Dim count As Short = 0
Dim excelInstance As System.Diagnostics.Process
Dim excelInstances() As Process =

For Each excelInstance In excelInstances
excelInstance.Close() '<-- you can use close or kill .. up to you
count += 1
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

Return count

End Function

IAmIronMan said:
Because no one will answer me.........scorpion emailed
everyone telling them not to help me.

He (acting like a she) isn't responding to my posts.
Emailing him is out because his spam filter is rejecting

I just need a little help here with this. Just paste the
code here what he wrote without all the other stuff on
there. When I do that I get errors all over the place.
-----Original Message-----
This person scorpion53061 wrote a code sample at

in which he did not explain it well.

Why not answer in the other thread? Nobody knows what you were referring to.
If you want to write a single person, ask him if you can write him an email.


Because you are a jerk
IAmIronMan said:
Look just paste the code like it should be.....

Then I will leave it be.

Cor, get off my case. I am just trying to get him to
answer me as I need this code to work.

I think scorpion does not know the answer and he copied
and pasted hte code from someone else. That is why he is
not answering.
Cor said:

I think better is if nobody feeds this, it is in other newsgroups
also. And I was sure you would not do that



Cor, you are right. (really)
What did you do email everyone off list and ask them not
to help me?

This sounds like paranoia. I doubt anyone *could* do that.
I certainly never got an email!
I asked for assistance in another thread (Straighten Out
This Mess) and no one helped me.

I've asked for help, too, and not received an answer.
You can't blame people for not being able to help.
Look I apologize. I need to learn this but I want to
copy /paste it so I can make it work.

If you want to program, try understanding the code.
Copy/Paste coding is not programming. The web page you
referenced, with the example code, was well documented
and straight-forward. You really can't ask for more.
If you do, you should hire this person and pay them
for their extra time needed to deal with you.
First off how are r and rows different in the sample?

From even the most casual of glances, it seems pretty
obvious that "r" is a simple counter and "rows", as
the line near the top shows, is the total row count.
The "r" is used to LOOP over the range of numbers
from 0 to (rows-1).
The rest of you dont bother responding if you don't want
to help.

Hope this helps clarify the difference between "r" and "rows".
This group is supposed to help........

When it's possible, many do!

If you want to learn how to program in VB.NET, I suggest you
find a good beginners book like "Beginning VB.NET" by Wrox Press.
They will show you basic constructs like variables, FOR loops,
DO-WHILE loops, and all the basics you need to get started.
