Hey Bill,
Here is what I did for my test, and I am still confused as to what, exactly, is happening.
I declared a number of variables and arrays as Friend in that Public Module at the very top of the
page, above the Public Class module, as such:
Public Module Module1
Friend var as whatever
Friend var1 as whatever
Friend var3(5,5) as whatever
Friend var 4(10,10) as whatever
[and so on]
End Module
Then in the following:
Public Class aspxPage
[on button clicks, various processing occurs, calculations are made, and]
[all the variables and arrays above have values assigned to them]
[subsequent button clicks cause more info to be added to the arrays]
End Class
If I am understanding you correctly, everytime this page comes back from the server, all the values
in all those Friend variables and arrays should be wiped out, and they should be recreated from
scratch -- with nothing in them -- right? That is what I assumed would happen, too, when I did the
If I declare them all Private within and at the top of the aspxPage Class, they do get wiped out and
recreated from scratch, but that doesn't happen when they are declared as Friend in the Public
The values in all those Friend variables and arrays are preserved no matter how many round trips are
made to the server AND I can access those Friend values from an instance of a different page class
opened at the same time in a different window, although both pages are in the same session. I am not
doing anything to facilitate that, either, such as saving/restoring to/from session variables. As I
said, if I am understanding you, that shouldn't be happening.
What I am needing to do is preserve those values for the life of the session, but I do NOT want them
to be accessible by other sessions. I know I can use session variables to do that, but got curious
about this way, and it worked. However, I don't know for sure, but I *suspect* those Friends
declared like that would be virtually the same as an application variable, and that would make them
accessible across multiple sessions, and they may still be left on the server from my test. If so,
that would mean multiple users in multiple sessions would be walking all over each other's values. I
certainly don't want that because those variables and arrays will hold information that is session
and user specific.
I don't have a clear understanding of what's going on here (still learning), and hope someone can
clear it up for me. I have read through the docs and looked on the 'Net, but can't seem to find
anything specific to this. My gut feeling is Public Module and Friend is not the way to go. ;-)
Thanks for your overview.
Bill Borg said:
Hi George,
Not sure if this will help, but my comments:
From what I gather below, you're interchanging "scope" and "state", which in a Windows app you
typically do because if I can *see* that variable instantiated in another class somewhere I can go
get its value, but *only* because that class instance has remained resident the whole time and so
the data's still hanging around. A variable that I declare at the very top (i.e. global) is one I
can use and set throughout the app, and it's there as long as the app is there--days, weeks, months,
In an ASP.NET app on the other hand, which is stateless, you might give the right scope to your
variables so that you can see them across class instances and won't get squiggly lines, but chances
are decent that there's nothing there to see unless you've planned otherwise. Remember that each
time the page loads, a new instance of that page class is created, even on postback, and everything
that was there is long gone (it was already gone at page unload), except for what either you or MS
do to restore state from Viewstate, Session, Application, Cache, etc., because for all the app knows
you're never coming back.
So, yes, as you say below, each visit to the page generates a *new* var1. One time you can run
into conflict is if you are trying to coordinate global values across user sessions, such as in
Application state, and you've got two people writing to it at the same time (e.g.
Application("MyGlobalVar")="xyz"), or even two different threads within the same session. That's
why there's Application.Lock, which forces all threads to hold off on accessing the Application
object until the locker call Application.Unlock. If you haven't seen it, there's a pretty good
discussion of all this under "Application State" in the docs. One line I like: "unlike for an
individual Web page, in which all resources are torn down at the conclusion of a Web request".
Lends a nice brutality to the whole process.
Anyway, I'm no expert, but hopefully this is some additional food for thought.
----- George wrote: -----
VS.NET 2002/VB
I am trying to understand the scope of variables and was curious about a variable declared
in a Public module outside the page class, but within the .aspx page file, such as:
Imports System.Whatever
Public Module Module1
Friend var1 as Whatever
End Module
Public Class aspxPage1
[various code for the page]
[var1 will be updated here, too]
End Class
Is this type of variable declaration every done?
What is the scope of var1 when declared like this?
I know var1 would be accessible to the entire project, but does that mean that any and all visitors
that request that page will be using the same var1? And they will be walking on each
values? Is that somewhat like an application variable? Or will each request for that page generate a
new var1 for each visitor and the scope would be to that visitor/session only?