Scheduling Tasks

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bev
  • Start date Start date


I hope no one thinks I'm a total idiot, but I'm trying to
schedule my computer to defrag during the early hours of
the am. It only gets to the opening page and then I don't
know how to get it to go into the C drive to analize and
defrag. Can anyone help me with this?
| | I hope no one thinks I'm a total idiot, but I'm trying to
| schedule my computer to defrag during the early hours of
| the am. It only gets to the opening page and then I don't
| know how to get it to go into the C drive to analize and
| defrag. Can anyone help me with this? Bev

You cannot schedule a defrag using the Disk Defragmenter MMC.
Instead, use the Defrag.exe command line tool. For more
information see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

KB283080 Description of the New Command Line Defrag.exe Included
with Windows XP;en-us;283080